To Identify The Purpose To Serve Customers
In general, Business  is  just  about  making profits  and  name. Our business  motivations  have  been satisfied customers, genuine critics, healthy competition, changing trends and technologies and accent of success. Exact reason why we are up and doing.

We set about selling black inks and screen printing inks in 1979. As we developed leverage in business, we laid about inks with higher profit levels. Now, we coexist with our bigger competitors with high volume sales and low profit margins.
  Our tariff and targets kept changing over the years - all to suit the customers’ needs. By the same token, we are a popular
    choice in the industry.

  Our selling capacity is close on 1000 tonnes a year, with incessant growth in sales and reputation. Nevertheless, two
    things have remained the top of our conscience - quality and ethics.

We endure on quality; exist on ethics